Inmate Abuse

There were over two million people incarcerated in the U.S. in 2019. The incarcerated population decreased to 1.8 million by mid-2020.[1] According to Pennsylvania State University, 217,000 people being held in U.S. prisons are raped each year.[2] The Department of Justice stated that over 12% of juveniles also report sexual violence within juvenile correctional facilities.[3] In 2011, there were 8,768 sexual assault allegations nationwide. After the Department of Justice published national standards for eliminating rape, the number of reports increased 180% to 24,661 by 2015.[4] Leaders of prisoner rights advocacy groups believe the increased reports are a result of prisoners trusting the system.[5]
The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) was signed into law in September 2003 to eradicate prisoner rape in U.S. facilities. As a result of the PREA, the Protecting Inmates and Safeguarding Communities program was established by the Bureau of Justice in 2004. The program provided funds to help states support the PREA goals. In 2011, the Bureau of Justice established zero-tolerance cultures with PREA Demonstration projects. The PREA created the National Prison Rape Elimination Commission. The commission drafted standards for enacting the PREA goals, and the Department of Justice published the final standards in 2012.[8]
- To seek medical care and mental health care.
- To live in humane facilities,
- To report their living conditions,
- To protection from sexual crimes,
- To be free from racial segregation and hate crimes,
- To be granted accommodations per the ADA.
- Inhumane living conditions,
- Denial of medical care or ADA accommodations,
- Excessive force by correctional facility staff,
- Sexual assault by inmates or staff.
Why File A Lawsuit ?
- Victims of abuse focus on health and treatment.
- Families afford the cost of their loved one’s medical and funeral expenses.
- Hold correctional facilities and their employees accountable.
- Encourage other victims to seek fair compensation for their injuries.
In Recent News
- /publications/people-in -jail-and-prison-in-2020.pdf
- downloads/publications /people-in-jail-and-prison-in-2020.pdf
- g/files/xyckuh241/files/media /document/panel_report_1 01014.pdf
- erincivicissue/ 2019/03/13/mistreatment- and-abuse-within-prisons/
- https://www.themarshallproject. org/2018/07/25/prison -rape-allegations-are-on-the-rise
- c.php?g=125765&p=2893387
- misc/R45732.pdf
- https://www.prearesourcecenter. org/about/prison-rape- elimination-act
- lawsuit-settlements/open-lawsuit-settlements/ 1034253- shelby-county-jail-improper- detention -4-9m-class-action-settlement/