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Contact us and our professionals will evaluate your case and recommend trusted lawyers in all 50 states. Your recommended lawyer match awaits!
Don’t know where to start?
Councel Hound is here to help! Our 35 years of experience practicing law helped us create a vast network of lawyers in a wide variety of practice areas. We are passionate about helping people and we are here to help you. Our service is free of charge.
Contact us today and right away you will speak to our professional team who will quickly refer you to a lawyer in your area. No need to have a best friend of family member who is a lawyer to know “who to call” use Councel Hound and we will connect you.
About Counsel Hound
Don’t know where to start?
Councel Hound is here to help! Our 35 years of experience practicing law helped us create a vast network of lawyers in a wide variety of practice areas. We are passionate about helping people and we are here to help you. Our service is free of charge.
Contact us today and right away you will speak to our professional team who will quickly refer you to a lawyer in your area. No need to have a best friend of family member who is a lawyer to know “who to call” use Councel Hound and we will connect you.
Our Why?
In a legal landscape saturated with incessant TV advertisements, billboards, and pay-to-play legal referral services, Counsel Hound stands out as a beacon of guidance. Founded by Richard Frankowski, our mission is to help individuals cut through the noise and efficiently “hunt down” a high-quality lawyer tailored to their specific case. We go beyond the traditional legal framework to offer comprehensive legal consultation services, ensuring that our clients receive tailored solutions for their unique challenges.
Counsel Hound Defining Principals
- Cut through the noise and efficiently “hunt down” a high-quality lawyer
- Leading the Way in Legal Solutions and Client Satisfaction
- Your Go-To Law Firm for Industry-Specific Legal Needs
- Trusted Advisors: Leading the Legal Landscape
Welcome to Counselhound, The Leading Law Services Firm
Our Practice Areas
35+ years of combined experience fighting
Why Clients Choose Counsel Hound
- Identifying the best, most trusted attorney in your area is hard.
- Lean on our network of 35yrs of practice in all 50 states.
- We are here to go above and beyond offering comprehensive legal consultation services.
- We ensure our clients have tailored solutions for their unique challenges.
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Meet Our Founder
Richard Frankowski (Lawyer)
Richard has practised law around the United States for over thirty five years. He has worked with amazing lawyers throughout his career who consistently perform at the highest level. Through his extensive network of highly-qualified counsel, Richard became passionate about connecting people to lawyers in the practice area of their need.
We don’t all have a best friend that is a lawyer to make a recommendation for us but now, you do. Richard created Councel Hound to help you find your lawyer.
Richard’s practice, the Frankowski Firm, LLC, based in Birmingham, AL, and Incline Village, NV, focuses on representing investors who have been financially injured due to stockbroker negligence and fraud. Trust Richard Frankowski for legal solutions in his area of proactice or let us connect you to a legal professional in the area of your legal matters via Counsel Hound Services.
Our Approach
Free Consultation
Counsel Hound refers clients only to lawyers that we personally know to have an excellent reputation for zealous trial advocacy and/or attorneys that we have thoroughly researched.
The Lawyers take pride in connecting clients with lawyers known for zealous trial advocacy. We exclusively refer clients to lawyers with an excellent reputation, ensuring a seamless legal experience. Our commitment to quality legal consultation services extends to lawyers we personally know or have thoroughly researched. For cases where our lawyers don’t have a pre-existing relationship, we utilise a meticulous research process. We strive to be your trusted partner in legal matters, ensuring that every referral is backed by thorough research and a commitment to providing the best legal solutions law firm.
Our Approach
Counsel Hound refers clients only to lawyers that we personally know to have an excellent reputation for zealous trial advocacy and/or attorneys that we have thoroughly researched.
If the lawyers at Counsel Hound do not have a relationship with a lawyer well-suited for your case, our lawyers will utilize our network of attorneys and extensively research any lawyer we recommend. We will also research all publicly available information on state bar websites that provide information about every recommended lawyer’s licensing, firm affiliation, education, court admissions, areas of expertise, specialties, and disciplinary history.
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