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Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys at Counsel Hound

Our team of dedicated Los Angeles car accident attorneys at Counsel Hound is here to assist individuals in Los Angeles and throughout Southern California who have suffered personal injuries or wrongful deaths due to car accidents. With a proven track record of success, having recovered millions of dollars in verdicts and settlements for our clients, our unwavering commitment is to provide the best possible outcome for your case.

Our auto accident lawyers specialize exclusively in assisting individuals like you, and they are highly regarded in their field, actively participating in statewide and national organizations. Recognized as some of the top lawyers in Southern California, our attorneys are consistently selected for inclusion in the Southern California Super Lawyers list.

In addition to personal injury and wrongful death attorneys, our team comprises workers’ compensation lawyers in Los Angeles. This unique combination enables us to address the needs of individuals injured in car accidents while on the job.

Los Angeles Car Accident Attorneys

Los Angeles Car Accident Resources

Why Choose Counsel Hound for Your Auto Accident Claim?

Car Accident Statistics in California:

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Car Accident? Can I Afford a Car Accident Attorney? Common Car Accident Injuries California Auto Accident Laws Proving Negligence After a Collision What to Do After a Hit-and-Run How Much Is My Car Accident Case Worth? What to Do After a Car Crash Contact a Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer Today

Why Hire Counsel Hound for Your Car Accident Claim?
Our firm has a strong history of recovering over $5 billion in client verdicts and settlements. Our Los Angeles car accident attorneys are committed to securing maximum compensation for your losses and needs. We believe in the power of personalized attention, high-quality legal resources, and assertive litigation. Our expertise covers all motor vehicle accidents, from pedestrian collisions to fatal commercial trucking crashes. We aim to assist car accident survivors in every way, including offering our services on a contingency fee basis.

Our determination to succeed in your case is coupled with a commitment to providing personalized attention. We are attentive to your needs, ready to listen to your concerns, and available to answer all your questions. We will go above and beyond to ensure you are not alone in this challenging experience.

Car Accident Statistics in California Preventing car accidents in California and saving countless lives begins with spreading awareness and educating the community about traffic collisions. Staying informed about California’s latest car accident statistics can help identify the causes of these accidents and strategies to prevent them.

According to the most recent data from the California Office of Traffic Safety (2019), the City of Los Angeles reported 35,549 fatal and injury accidents. Of these car accidents, 2,913 involved alcohol, 4,194 were speed-related, and 4,319 were hit-and-run incidents. Los Angeles County reported 88,814 injuries and fatal accidents in 2019.

Statewide, California reports an average of about 200,000 injuries and 3,500 fatal accidents annually. There was a 5.1% decrease in traffic fatalities from 2018 to 2019, dropping from 3,798 to 3,606. In 2019, 50% of drivers who were killed in motor vehicle accidents (who were tested) tested positive for drugs, and there were 1,066 alcohol-impaired fatalities.

How Can a Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney Help? If you have sustained severe injuries or lost a loved one in a car accident, the last thing you want to worry about is battling with the insurance company for fair compensation. Accepting the first offer presented by the insurance company to put the ordeal behind you can be tempting. Unfortunately, these initial offers often fall significantly short of covering your medical expenses, ongoing care, lost wages, and other costs.

Let an experienced Los Angeles personal injury attorney from Counsel Hound help you recover the total financial damages you deserve. Regardless of the type of auto accident your case involves, you can trust us to protect your best interests. We will handle your legal needs, allowing you to focus on your recovery and your family.

We handle motor vehicle accident cases involving:

  • Truck accidents
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • SUV rollovers
  • Car accidents caused by drunk drivers
  • Collisions between motor vehicles and bicyclists, pedestrians, or skateboarders
  • Accidents resulting from poor road design
  • Accidents caused by highway construction negligence
    In the unfortunate event of an accident, we guide you on what to do after a car accident. We aim to assist clients in their physical, mental, and financial recovery journey, starting from the very beginning. After a severe crash, trust a dedicated Los Angeles car accident lawyer to guide you through the following steps. We offer free initial consultations to give you the answers you need without cost, risk, or obligation.

Los Angeles Car Accident Lawyer

Can I Afford the Services of a Car Accident Lawyer?

The simple answer is yes. At Counsel Hound, our experienced car accident lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means our fees are a percentage of the settlement or judgment award obtained on your behalf. You will never have to pay for our services out of pocket. If your case is unsuccessful, you will not owe us any attorney’s fees.

With contingency fees eliminating the upfront cost of hiring a car accident lawyer, the real question becomes: Can you afford not to hire one? Without legal representation, you risk the insurance company taking advantage of you. Insurance companies have substantial resources to contest liability for motor vehicle collisions, which could result in you receiving much less than you deserve.

A lawyer possesses significant resources, negotiation skills, and the determination to demand maximum financial compensation for you as a client. Car accident victims who enlist the help of lawyers typically recover more substantial monetary compensation for their losses than unrepresented plaintiffs, even after attorney’s fees are deducted from the award.

Common Car Accident Injuries Our Los Angeles car accident lawyers emphasize car accident law significantly due to the frequency and severity of these incidents. In 2021, the most recent year with available data, the County of Los Angeles reported 40,669 fatal and injury accidents. Car accidents frequently cause serious, catastrophic, and life-altering injuries for victims in LA. We understand how these injuries impact individuals and how to help them pursue appropriate compensation.

These injuries may include:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Permanent disabilities
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Bone fractures
  • Major lacerations
  • Soft-tissue injuries
  • Burns
  • Fatal injuries
  • Wrongful death

We also assist clients in seeking compensation for non-physical injuries. California law allows plaintiffs to claim compensation for emotional, mental, and psychological suffering, physical pain, and economic losses. Our firm can help you pursue a fair amount for your pain and suffering, emotional distress, anguish, grief, distress, and post-traumatic stress disorder following a severe auto accident.

California Car Accident Laws California has complex car accident laws that are crucial to understand as a victim. Failing to comprehend these laws could lead to mistakes that result in reduced compensation for your damages or even no payment. After a severe crash in Los Angeles, you must contact an experienced Los Angeles car accident lawyer for guidance regarding your specific accident as soon as possible. We can help you navigate the laws relevant to your case.

One of the fundamental laws to be aware of is the statute of limitations. In California, all accident victims have two years from their car accidents to file injury claims and three years for property damage-only claims. The courts generally do not make exceptions to this rule. The clock may start ticking from the date of discovery if it occurs after the collision.

California follows fault-based car insurance laws. All drivers must carry adequate vehicle insurance, including bodily injury coverage ($15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident) and property damage liability ($5,000). After an accident, injured parties will file claims with the at-fault party’s insurance provider to recover damages. Depending on the circumstances, injured victims may also have the right to file lawsuits instead of insurance claims.

California does not bar victims from financial recovery even if they were partially responsible for causing an auto accident. The state follows pure comparative negligence rules, which reduce the victim’s recovery award by their percentage of fault. Even if the victim was 99% responsible for causing the crash, they could still recover 1% of the compensation award. An attorney from our firm can help you defend against comparative negligence arguments.

Clients choose Counsel Hound for our in-depth knowledge of California’s car accident laws. We stay updated on the latest legal developments and work towards positive changes through our litigation. We are often at the forefront of shaping the rules in California; for instance, we were the state’s first firm to file an asbestos lawsuit against product manufacturers. Our mission is to help victims recover and positively influence car accident laws through our legal representation.

Proving Negligence in a Los Angeles Car Accident In personal injury law, “negligence” refers to a legal doctrine applied to most car accident claims and other personal injury lawsuits. When someone is negligent, they have failed to meet the accepted duty of care, an obligation to use the same level of care as a reasonable person in similar circumstances. In the context of a car accident injury claim, duty of care typically refers to a driver’s responsibility to follow traffic laws, drive responsibly, and prevent car accidents.

Proving Negligence in a car accident case requires clear and convincing evidence that the driver or another defendant breached their duty of care. A breach of duty means they could have exercised the necessary level of respect for the situation. Subsequently, the victim or their attorney must establish that the defendant’s breach of duty was the primary cause of the car accident, meaning the collision would not have occurred without the defendant’s Negligence.

Establishing the elements of a car accident claim in California necessitates presenting evidence proving Negligence. Evidence may include a police accident report, photographs and video footage, signed eyewitness statements, expert testimony from car accident experts, crash reconstruction, medical records, cell phone records, employment records for commercial drivers, and more. An attorney can assist you in collecting all the necessary evidence to prove the defendant’s Negligence in your car accident case.


Comparative Negligence can be used as a defense to reduce the value of a settlement or judgment award. It argues that the victim contributed to the accident, at least in part, and the defendant should be liable for a smaller percentage of the damages.

If comparative Negligence is asserted against you in a car accident case, it could reduce the compensation you receive from the other driver. For example, if you are found to be 10% at fault, your recovery award will be reduced by a corresponding percentage.

California follows pure comparative Negligence, meaning that a victim can be found up to 99% responsible for a car accident and still recover the remaining percentage in financial compensation. Collaborating with an attorney who can effectively argue against the comparative negligence defence is crucial to maximizing your monetary recovery.

Can You Recover After a Hit-and-Run? A hit-and-run accident occurs when the at-fault party does not fulfil their legal obligations, including taking financial responsibility for the crash. In such cases, you may not know how to proceed with a damage claim because you do not know the identity of the at-fault driver. California’s fault car insurance laws do not apply when the identity of the at-fault party is unknown. Fortunately, your auto insurer may offer a solution.

After a hit-and-run accident, one initial step is contacting the police. They can investigate the accident site and potentially locate the at-fault driver. In this scenario, you can proceed with your claim as you would for any other car accident by filing a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, if the police cannot identify the driver, you must seek compensation through your auto insurer. Contact your insurance agent immediately to report the accident. Your agent will determine whether you have uninsured or underinsured motorist insurance to cover your damages.

Uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance is not mandatory in California, but you must explicitly decline this coverage when purchasing your policy to reject it. If you have this insurance, your insurer will cover your property damage repairs and medical expenses. Comprehensive and collision insurance may also cover damages from a hit-and-run accident. Our Los Angeles auto accident attorney can help you negotiate with your insurance provider to obtain a fair and reasonable compensation award after a severe hit-and-run car accident.

Another avenue for obtaining financial recovery after a hit-and-run auto accident is holding someone other than the driver accountable for your damages. An attorney can determine whether another party may have contributed to your crash, such as a company for its employed driver, the City of Los Angeles for a hazardous roadway, or a vehicle manufacturer for a defective auto part. One of our attorneys can assess your hit-and-run crash and inform you of all available options for financial compensation.

Car Accident Attorney Los Angeles

Compensation for Car Accident Victims in California If you are eligible to file a claim for damages, we will assist you in determining the types and amounts to include in your initial demand letter to the at-fault party. Each car accident case is unique, with different damages and losses experienced by survivors. Seeking an appropriate amount can enhance the likelihood of securing a successful insurance settlement. A Los Angeles auto accident lawyer from Counsel Hound can evaluate your case and calculate a fair claim amount, particularly when serious injuries are involved. We will then help you pursue this amount, or even more, from an insurance company or another defendant in Los Angeles County.

Types of compensation you may be entitled to include:

  • Existing medical bills
  • Future healthcare expenses and hospital bills
  • Temporary or permanent disability accommodations
  • Past and future lost wages
  • Vehicle repair or replacement costs
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Mental anguish
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death damages
  • Punitive damages

If you have suffered catastrophic injuries or lost a loved one in a car accident in Los Angeles, your case may have substantial value. Do not allow an insurance company to persuade you to settle for less than the actual potential worth of your case. Consult an accident attorney from our firm to help you pursue the compensation you need to move forward comfortably and confidently. During a free initial consultation at one of our local Southern California law offices, we can estimate the reasonable value of your case.

What Should You Do After a Car Accident?

If you are involved in a car accident in Los Angeles, it is essential to take specific steps immediately to protect yourself and your legal rights. The car insurance company handling your claim will look for reasons to deny or reduce your benefits, such as an admission of fault or a delay in seeking medical care. Your actions (or lack thereof) after an accident can impact your ability to recover financial compensation for your losses. If possible, follow these steps:

  • Pull over at the accident scene; only leave the stage after stopping.
  • Check yourself and others involved for injuries.
  • Report the car accident and any injuries by calling 911 promptly.
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s).
  • Do not admit fault for the car accident to the other driver or the police.
  • Document the other car’s description, including VIN and license plate numbers.
  • Seek immediate medical attention for your injuries.
  • Notify your car insurance company about the accident as soon as possible.
  • Report the car accident to the Department of Motor Vehicles within 10 days if injuries occur or property damage exceeds $750.
  • Contact a car accident lawyer before accepting an insurance settlement.

Once you inform your insurance company of the car accident, they may contact the other driver’s insurer to begin the claims process. An insurance claims adjuster will reach out to you soon after the accident. Be cautious when communicating with the adjuster, as their primary allegiance is to the insurance company. Before signing any documents provided by an insurer, consult with a lawyer to discuss your options for recovery. You may be entitled to more substantial financial compensation than initially offered.

Free Consultation With a Car Accident Lawyer in Los Angeles At Counsel Hound, our goal is to assist car accident survivors and the families of those who lost their lives in vehicle collisions as they navigate the injury claims process in Los Angeles. We handle all auto accident cases on a contingency fee, meaning you only pay a fee if we successfully secure compensation.

You may have grounds to file a claim against one or more parties for your recent car accident. Contact our Los Angeles car accident attorneys today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced lawyer to discuss your case.

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